Have a complaint?

At the West Island Manor, we work hard to create for you a pleasant environment and we are committed to treat all residents with courtesy, fairness and understanding, respecting their independence and individual needs.

If you are experiencing dissatisfaction, please tell us about it by contacting Ms. Mariam Makary who can be reached at 514-620-9850 extension 229 or by email at admin@westislandmanor.com.

We will do our utmost to accommodate your request. However, if we were unable to satisfy your complaint, The Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre of the Montréal west Island delegated Service Quality and Complaints Commission can be reached at 1-844-630-5125. You may also reach her via email at: commissariat.plaintes.comtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

Rest assured that your request will be treated with discretion and diligence. This service is there for you, free of charge and in complete confidentiality. Following the filing of your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt and after examination of your complaint, you will be notified of the conclusions in writing or by telephone after its filing.

You can be assisted in your efforts by a person to whom you trust or a family member. You can also contact the Centre for assistance and support for complaints (CAAP) at 514-861-5998 and 1-877-767-2227.

In addition: If you disagree with the conclusions of the local complaints commissioner about the subject of your concerns, you can contact the ombudsman whose contact information is:

Le protecteur du citoyen
1080, Beaver Hall
10th Floor, Suite 1000
Montreal (Quebec) H2Z 1S8
Phone: 514-873-2032
Toll Free Fax: 1-866-902-7130

Le protecteur du citoyen
525, boulevard René-Lévesque east
Suite 25.1
Quebec (Quebec) G1R 5Y4
Phone: 418-643-2688
Toll Free: 1-800-463-5070
Email: protecteur@protecteurducitoyen.qc.ca

*See the WIM company hierarchy / corporate structure

Complaint Form